The merit of an effective State is measured by the discernment of accountability, transparency, efficient service delivery exemplified in admirable performance of a responsive government that provides for sustainable socio-economic development. The mounting demands for greater accountability and meritorious service delivery structures in government indisputably make Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) a powerful public management tool that can be used to improve the way governments and organizations achieve better results. The latest edition of Introduction to South Africa’s Monitoring and Evaluation in Government provides a comprehensive study guide and useful resource for all public sector managers, development practitioners, undergraduate and post-graduate studies in the process of designing and building a results-based monitoring and evaluation system.
Prof Edwin Ijeoma is the former Chair and Head of Department of Public Administration at the University of Fort Hare. He is a Professor of Policy and Public Sector Economics and is a recognised scholar in Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation. He was a pioneer Research Specialist at the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Secretariat in Johannesburg and serves as Policy Adviser to several public sector and development institutions in South Africa and abroad. Professor Ijeoma is the editor of Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR), a public sector Monitoring and Evaluation Journal.