Trans-disciplinary Fundamentals of Development Assistance Management is the first of its kind in content and application, aimed at demystifying many unresolved issues in policy implementation and decision-making around national, regional, and international cooperation, which may be applied to any socio-economic policy environment. The book draws its unique strength from diverse perspectives, ranging from Agriculture and food security policy to Development Assistance Management and other related disciplines that embodied the new field of study and further provides the required authoritative trans-disciplinary guide towards the newly identified niche area.
Prof Edwin Ijeoma is the former Chair and Head of Department of Public Administration at the University of Fort Hare. He is a Professor of Policy and Public Sector Economics and is a recognised scholar in Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation. He was a pioneer Research Specialist at the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Secretariat in Johannesburg and serves as Policy Adviser to several public sector and development institutions in South Africa and abroad. Professor Ijeoma is the editor of Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR), a public sector Monitoring and Evaluation Journal.