Hangata ho thwe boitshwaro bo botle ke makgabane a ke keng a nkelwa sebaka ka ntho efe kapa efe e nngwe e kgolo. Buka ena e phahamisa makgabane a boitshwaro bo botle bo hokahanyang ho ithuta le katleho - botshepehi, mamello, botshepehi bo sa sekisetseng, boikemisetso, boikemisetso bo tiileng, boitshwaro, ho itaya le boikokobetso - ho tshehetsa dihlopha kaofela tsa baithuti, ho etsa hore ba utlwisise bohlokwa ba botho bo botle le ho ba susumetsa ho sebedisa boitshwaro bona bo tswileng matsoho tseleng ya bona ya bophelo, ho fumana katleho bophelong eo ba e hlokang.
Diamond Adebowale holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Communication from Osun State University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She has had the opportunity of being a shaper of young minds, as a teacher. Diamond writes intriguing stories for children, filled with all sorts of gems and life lessons.