It is often said that patience is a virtue that cannot be replaced with any other thing in life. Feed your mind with this 2-in-1 bumper collection of classic folktales, retold with a fresh perspective by Diamond Adebowale to extol the Virtue of Patience, determination, self-discipline and effort, to inspire children, teenagers, and young adult attain the prosperous life they seek.
Available in Afrikaans | English | IsiXhosa | IsiZulu | Sepedi | Sesotho | Setswana
Diamond Adebowale holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Communication from Osun State University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She has had the opportunity of being a shaper of young minds, as a teacher. Diamond writes intriguing stories for children, filled with all sorts of gems and life lessons.