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Mutlanyana le Sekolopata

Diamond Adebowale

ISBN: 9781928348870

Publication Date: August 2020

Pages: 56

Format: Paperback


Tshomo ena ya boholo-holo, e phetwa hape ka maikutlo a matjha, e boloka bana le batjha ba thabile ha e ntse e ba ruta dithuto tsa bophelo tsa bohlokwa.

Also available in Afrikaans | English | IsiXhosa | IsiZulu & Setswana

Diamond Adebowale holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Communication from Osun State University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She has had the opportunity of being a shaper of young minds, as a teacher. Diamond writes intriguing stories for children, filled with all sorts of gems and life lessons.