Gantši go bolelwa gore go ba le mekgwa ye mebotse ke selo seo se ka se tšeelwego legato ke selo se sengwe bophelong. Puku ye reta maitshwaro a mabotse ao a kgokaganyago go ithuta gore o atlege – go botega, go se fele pelo, seriti, maikemišetšo, go itaola, maitshwaro le boikokobetšo – go thuša magoro ka moka a baithuti, go dira gore ba kwešiše dilo tše bohlokwa tša semelo se sebotse le go ba hlohleletša gore ka mehla ba diriše maitshwaro a a mabotse kudu ka leetong la bona la bophelo, go fihlelela bophelo bja katlego bjo ba bo nyakago.
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Diamond Adebowale holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Communication from Osun State University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Communication from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She has had the opportunity of being a shaper of young minds, as a teacher. Diamond writes intriguing stories for children, filled with all sorts of gems and life lessons.